Simpan Aset, Nikmati Bunga Hingga
10% per tahun

Mulai investasi sekarang dan dapatkan keuntungan berlimpah.
Kenapa Flexi Earn?
Keamanan Terjamin
Aset investasi Flexi Earn adalah Surat Utang Negara Jangka Pendek AS, sehingga aman dan minim risiko.
Redeem Kapan Saja
Aset tersimpan dengan aman. Kamu bebas tarik saldo dan tambahan bunganya kapan saja.
Lebih Untung dengan Boosted APR
Jumlah investasi akan mempengaruhi APR yang kamu terima.

Jika menginvestasi $500 atau kurang dari $500, kamu akan mendapat base APR + boosted  APR. Jika menginvestasi lebih dari $500, hanya investasi $500 pertama yang akan mendapat base + boosted APR. Sisanya akan menerima base APR.
Lihat contoh berikut
Case 1
Karena investasi $400 kurang dari $500, maka mendapat 4% + 3% APR.
Case 1
Dari investasi $700, kamu akan memperoleh APR gabungan sebesar 5.86%, dimana investasi $500 pertama mendapat 4% + 3% APR, dan sisa $200 nya menerima 4% APR.
Bunga akan dibayar sehari setelah investasi setiap jam 08.00 pm.
Penting, sebelum menarik saldo:
Untuk mendapat full bunga 100%, tarik dana 2 minggu setelah investasi terbaru. Jika saldo ditarik sebelum 14 hari, kamu hanya akan mendapat 25% dari keseluruhan bunga.

Save and Earn Interest Up To 10% per year

Watch your money grow. Start investing now to start compounding interest.
Why Invest in Flexi Earn?
The underlying assets for Flexi Earn is the risk-free U.S. Short-Term Treasury Bills.
Flexible Redemption
Redeem your deposited Flexi Earn investment and its yield at any time.
Enjoy The Benefit of Tiering System
APR received depends on the amount invested.

If you invest $500 or less, investments will receive a base APR + boosted APR.

For investments exceeding $500, note that only $500 wil receive the base + boosted APR. The remaining investment will only receive base APR.
See the example below
Case 1
An investment of $400 will receive an APR of 4%+3% since the invested amount is less than $500.
Case 2
An investment of $700 will have a  blended APR of 5.86% APR, where the first $500 receives 4% + 3% APR, and the remaining $200 receives 4%.
Yield will be received the day after your initial investment every day at 08.00 pm.
Before redeeming, know this:
To receive the full 100% yield, redeem 14 days after the most recent investment. Redemptions before then will only receive 25% of the total earned yield.